Brand and Content Consulting

Brand and Content Consulting

Build Your Brand on a Solid, Four-Square Foundation

You’ve heard it before: content marketing is the new…content marketing.

It’s a fundamental truth in business. It starts with branding, but the sky’s the limit.

In fact the options are pretty unlimited: social media, paid online advertising, blogs and newsletters, traditional direct mail, SEO, and so much more.

Without a Chief Marketing Officer to guide you, how much of your marketing is just shots in the dark?

And if you find something that does work, can you figure out how to build on that success?

Our brand and content consulting services are based on a unique, systematic approach that integrates your content with all other aspects of your business. The Four-Square Integrated Content FrameworkTM allows you to build a unified and intentional content arsenal that can be deployed effectively and consistently in any context.

The Four-Square approach takes you step-by-step from your brand and content idea to a full-fledged strategy with guidance and support for execution. There are only four phases to the system, and we guide you directly through each one. Plus, each individual step moves you tangibly forward and leaves you with tools you can start using immediately to improve your branding, messaging, and marketing. The four steps are:

  • Vision: Everything begins with you in the driver’s seat. We listen to you as you explain your vision, and together we’ll create goals you can easily wrap your head around.
  • Assessment: We’ll take a look at what you already have. Our unique multi-point Messaging Audit will analyze your existing assets and provide action items that will align your content with your vision.
  • Strategy: With a clear foundation, we can build a solid, customized plan for your branding and content marketing.
  • Execution: Make it happen! But with accountability and measurable outcomes to keep you focused, efficient, and effective.

The four phases of this systematic, disciplined approach allow you to take your business content ideas and turn them into powerful and effective reality. Actually, each step on its own is a useful and powerful tool. Taken together, you’ll have what you need to make your messaging a real force in your business plan, whether you’re doing it yourself or using third parties.

Build your brand. Build effective content with a Four-Square foundation.


    Clarify your business, from ideas to direction
    Complete audit of your current branding and messaging
    Develop a plan to get you from where you are to where you want to be
    Make the plan into a reality with our step-by-step guidance

Schedule a free initial consultation to discuss how we can help you master your messaging and turn your brand into a real force.

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